Search Results
[POPL 2021] The Taming of the Rew: A Type Theory with Computational Assumptions (full)
[POPL 2021] The Taming of the Rew: A Type Theory with Computational Assumptions (full)
[POPL 2021] A Unifying Type-Theory for Higher-Order (Amortized) Cost Analysis (full)
[POPL 2021] Internalizing Representation Independence with Univalence (full)
[POPL'22] Gradualizing the Calculus of Inductive Constructions
Definitional Proof-Irrelevance without K
Principal Type Inference for GADTS
Robert Harper: "Phase Distinctions in Type Theory"
MSFP 2020 Technical Session 1
[POPL'22] A Relational Theory of Effects and Coeffects
[HoTT/UF 2021] Globular weak omega-categories as models of a type theory
01 Introduction